From planting daffodils, to handing out stickers, and making good luck charms, Park Road Community Primary School’s Happiness Team has been busy spreading some extra joy across their school and community over the past few months. 

We asked them to tell us a little more about what they have been doing.  

In February we finally got to plant the daffodil bulbs in our local park. We hope the lovely spring flowers  made you smile as you walked through the rose garden.

As a team we would like to set up our own book swap hub in the local community, so we intend to hold a cake sale next half term to raise some funds, so watch this space.

The team have created stickers and certificates to hand out to the children they see using the sensory garden correctly or if they notice someone spreading happiness and showing kindness throughout the school community. 

In a few weeks our Year 6s will be sitting their SATs and some of the Happiness Team will be getting together to make some good luck charms and positive cards for our Y6 to let them know we are all thinking about them and wishing them well.

From 13th May we will be promoting Mental Health Awareness Week and on Friday 17th May we will be wearing green. This year’s theme is 'keep moving' so keep your eyes peeled on Seesaw for more details coming up soon. 

We are hoping the sunshine makes an appearance soon and we look forward to seeing our plants grow for the Park Road Flower Show. We have our own planter and will be planting and designing that at our next meeting. 

Next week will see our first Wellbeing Wednesday Lunch Club start, we are looking forward to seeing all the children from different classes mixing together for a mindful moment. We will have some fun word searches, colouring and mindful breathing. 

What amazing work Team!