Safeguarding Information

Safeguarding Our Children in Park Road CP School

We take the safeguarding of the children in our school very seriously.  If you have any concerns about Safeguarding, please contact our Designated Senior Person (DSP) for Safeguarding in the school, Mrs Quigley.

School also has the MAT Safeguarding Officer, Mrs Jan Malone, contactable through the school office.

Designated Senior Person: Mrs Quigley, Headteacher

Deputy DSP: Mrs Akinyemi, Deputy Headteacher and Mrs Roberts, Class Teacher

You can find our Safeguarding policies here

Safeguarding Team

Mrs Quigley Headteacher (DSP)
Mrs Akinyemi Deputy Head (Deputy DSP) 
Ms Roberts Deputy DSP
Mrs Dale Office Administrator
Mrs Wilkinson Teaching Assistant 
Mrs Mitchinson Midday Assistant
Mr Finch Maintenance Officer
Mrs Robinson Teaching Assistant



Please find below some useful links for Safeguarding:

Keeping Children Safe In Education Government Publication


Our Safeguarding team at school



Early Help refers to the offer of any information, advice or support to children, young people and their families as soon as possible in their lives, or when issues emerge, to help prevent problems from escalating.

Listed below are some of the services the school can offer you:-

  • Mrs Wilkinson, our Early Help Practitioner, Mrs Quigley, our Headteacher and our SENDco, are available to talk to parents/carers to discuss any concerns you may have regarding behaviour, learning or any other support you require. You can get in touch with them by emailing
  • Support to complete forms and other paperwork such as high school admissions.
  • Meetings with class teachers are available to meet with parents/carers to discuss any concerns you may have regarding your child’s behaviour or learning.
  • Referrals to outside agencies such as: the Family Outreach Team, parenting courses, our School Health Advisor, St Joseph’s Family Centre, Play/Art Therapy and local children’s centres.
  • Common Assessment Framework (CAF) which involves listening to you to find out what help you need and talking about what is working well in your life. Based on what you say and what help you would like, a plan is put together so that professionals can work together to make sure you get the right sort of help.
  • At Park Road CP School, our Safeguarding Team meet each half term to identify any children and families who would benefit from early help. It allows them to access services in the school and beyond to support identified vulnerable pupils.

In Warrington, we know that children, young people and their families have different types of needs and sometimes they may require extra support. One way this extra support can be provided is through an Early Help Assessment.

An Early Help Assessment can be completed by any professional, from any service, who is working with a child, young person or family.

The Early Help Support Team's role is to provide information, guidance and support to professionals who are working with children, young people and their families.

An Early Help Assessment benefits a child, young person or family because it:

  • helps to identify needs at an early stage;
  • is strengths- and evidence-based;
  • is personalised and;
  • is multi-agency in its approach.

An Early Help Review/Closure Plan complements the assessment by ensuring the correct level of support is provided for an individual/family at the right time. This allows for service provision to be regularly reviewed to ensure it continues to meet need and prevents needs escalating.


Early Help  - Warrington Borough Council's ‘My Life Warrington’ directory is full of help, advice and events in Warrington from early years to activities and support for adults and their Local Offer



Domestic Violence Support

Domestic abuse affects the whole family. Don't suffer in silence, talk to someone that can help. In an emergency, always dial 999.


  • Domestic violence and abuse can be actual or threatened and can happen once every so often or on a regular basis
  • It can happen to anyone, in all kinds of relationships
  • People suffer domestic abuse regardless of their social group, class, age, race, disability, sexuality or lifestyle
  • The abuse can begin at any time – in new relationships or after many years together
  • Children are affected by domestic abuse both in the short and long term


Support services and contact details:

Warrington Borough Council Domestic Abuse Support -


DiAmond Counselling Service   - 0151 488 6648 -

DiAmond offers 1:1 counselling in schools or colleges for children and young people from Knowsley, Wirral, Warrington and St Helens who are affected by Domestic Abuse


Refuge Warrington Independent Domestic Violence Abuse (IDVA) service - 01925 243359 -


Cheshire Police - 101 (non emergency)


Warrington Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre - 01925 221546


Warrington Women's Aid Refuge - 01925 417138 -

Safe, temporary accommodation for women and their children experiencing domestic abuse.


Housing Plus - 01925 246868

Independent housing advice and services including a sanctuary scheme


Victim Support - 0151 424 2785 (24 hours answer phone)


National 24-hour Domestic Violence Helpline - 0808 2000 247 (freephone)


Karma Nirvana Honour Network Helpline - 0800 5999 247 -

Support for victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour based abuse


National Centre for Domestic Violence (NCDV) Injunctions - 0844 8044 999


The Hideout  - (Support for children and young people)


NSPCC - 0800 028 3550 (Female genital mutilation 24 hour helpline)


Warrington Domestic Abuse Partnership  01925 443124


Respect - 0808 802 4040 - (Support for men and women facing up to abusive behaviour towards a partner)


Support and advice to men experiencing domestic abuse.


Men's Advice Line - 0808 801 0327 (support for male victims of domestic abuse)


Mankind - 01823 334244 -



Warrington Youth Centre

Citizens Advice Bureau

Golding Gates Housing Trust

Early Help Division Leaflet


Early Help Contacts

Warrington Youth Centre

Citizens Advice Bureau

Golding Gates Housing Trust

Early Help Division Leaflet


Early Help Contacts

Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service

01606 868700


(can be called anonymously)

0800 555 111

Cheshire East Council

0300 123 5500

Cheshire West and Chester Council

0300 123 8123

Halton Borough Council

0303 333 4300

Warrington Borough Council

01925 443322


0800 1111

Red Cross

0844 871 1111


116 123

Alzheimer's Society

0300 222 1122

The Silver Line

0800 4 70 80 90

NHS Choices

Stroke Association

British Heart Foundation

Trading Standards



Snapchat Update

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There has been an update Snapchat which allows a user's location to be tracked, please see the document below to understand the change and how to disable it.


e-Safety Useful Files

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Computing, formerly known as ICT, is an integral part of teaching and learning at Park Road Community Primary School. The children benefit from a wide range of technical resources, with online capabilities at the centre of their learning.

However, access to the internet and other e-learning resources requires training, guidance and advice to ensure that everyone learns in a safe environment. Along with the training the children receive within school, we have compiled a list of sites which offer guidance to children and parents on the safe use of e-learning tools. Check them out for lots of great safety tips.

  • - This site holds lots of good information for parents.
  • - If you are a clued up kid or a puzzled pensioner, there is something here to help you get the most from the internet.
  • - Learn to stay safe whilst you use the internet with Hacker and the Horrible Histories team.
  • - Most government websites are boring, but this one is great for your parents to learn how to keep you safe online. 
  • - Top tips, from downloading software to social networking, it's all here.
  • - Do you think that you 'know it all'? Then check out the childnet site to see if you are right.
  • - Very useful site for parents, with information on the risks of modern technology and how to keep children safe.

Further information can be found under the Safeguarding heading.


Supporting Young People Online

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Support for you and your Family

Support for you and your family

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Updated: 07/12/2022 105 KB