Art and Design Intent, Implementation and Impact 


For pupils at Park Road to have a wealth of meaningful opportunities to explore their creativity and enjoy experimenting, discovering and developing their artistic skills. For children to learn about and take inspiration from a variety of artists ,craftsmen and cultures and have exciting art and cultural opportunities beyond our school building. We endeavour for our art curriculum to be ambitious and ever changing with changes in society, technology, artists and worldwide events.  We want an ethos in which all children feel empowered to develop their individual creativity, imagination and be their ‘own unique artist’.

Art, craft and design embody some of the highest forms of human creativity. A high-quality art and design education should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. As pupils progress, they should be able to think critically and develop a more rigorous understanding of art and design. They should also know how art and design both reflect and shape our history, and contribute to the culture, creativity and wealth of our nation.

Our curriculum for Art and Design aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • produce creative work, exploring their ideas and recording their experiences
  • become proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques
  • evaluate and analyse creative works using the language of art, craft and design
  • know about great artists, craft makers and designers, and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms

Key stage 1 Pupils should be taught:

  • to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products
  • to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination
  • to develop a wide range of art and design techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space
  • about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers, describing the differences and similarities between different practices and disciplines, and making links to their own work

Key stage 2 Pupils should be taught:

  • to develop their techniques, including their control and their use of materials, with creativity, experimentation and an increasing awareness of different kinds of art, craft and design
  • to create sketch books to record their observations and use them to review and revisit ideas
  • to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, including drawing, painting and sculpture with a range of materials [for example, pencil, charcoal, paint, clay]


At Park Road Primary School, we believe a high-quality art education is essential for inspiring creativity, self-expression, and confidence. Our diverse and engaging art curriculum, supported by the KAPOW scheme of work, enrichment days, and art weeks, aims to develop pupils’ skills, knowledge, and appreciation of art and design. Our art curriculum combines structured lessons, creative freedom, and special events. The KAPOW Schemes of Work provides a solid framework ensuring consistency and progression. Enrichment Days focus on intensive, themed art activities to explore new techniques and ideas. Art weeks provide immersive weeks fostering a collaborative art culture with larger-scale projects and exhibitions with other schools.

By implementing these elements, we create an inspiring creative environment where learners develop artistic skills, express themselves creatively, and appreciate the value of art. We are committed to nurturing the next generation of artists and creative thinkers.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

In EYFS, we focus on exploration, creativity, and fine motor skills development. Children:

  • experiment with various materials and techniques
  • express thoughts, ideas, and feelings through art
  • develop basic skills in drawing, painting, and sculpture

The KAPOW scheme, enrichment days, and art weeks provide enjoyable and educational activities, fostering enthusiasm for artistic exploration.

Key Stage 1 (KS1)

In KS1, we build on EYFS foundations with goals to:

  • develop creative skills using various materials
  • explore a range of artists and designers
  • use drawing, painting, and sculpture to share ideas and imagination

The KAPOW scheme ensures structured and progressive lessons. Enrichment days and art weeks offer immersive experiences to inspire creativity and deepen art understanding.

Key Stage 2 (KS2)

In KS2, we aim to enhance skills and understanding, preparing learners for complex artistic challenges. Objectives include:

  • mastering various techniques and media
  • studying significant artists, architects, and designers
  • developing critical thinking and the ability to evaluate creative works

The KAPOW scheme provides detailed lesson plans for continuity and progression. Enrichment days and art weeks allow for extended projects and deeper exploration of art forms.


At Park Road Primary School, our art curriculum profoundly impacts both our learners and the school community. By integrating KAPOW schemes, enrichment days, and art weeks, we deliver a high-quality art education that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and a lifelong appreciation for the arts.

Our art curriculum at Park Road Primary School significantly impacts our learners and the school community.

Creative Skills and Expression

  • Children demonstrate increased skill in various artistic techniques and media.
  • Learners gain confidence in experimenting with materials and expressing ideas.
  • Learners improve their ability to create original and imaginative art.

The structured KAPOW approach ensures all learners, regardless of their starting points, make significant progress.

Cultural Awareness and Appreciation

  • Children gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of different cultures and historical contexts.
  • They develop respect for diverse artistic expressions and their societal impacts.
  • Exposure to various artistic traditions enhances learners' global awareness and cultural sensitivity.
  • Enrichment days and art weeks provide immersive cultural education through thematic projects.

Critical Thinking and Analytical Skills

  • Learners learn to evaluate and express their thoughts about art effectively.
  • They improve their ability to analyse visual information critically and develop their observation skills.
  • Through self-reflection and feedback, learners develop a growth mindset.

KAPOW offers structured opportunities for critical discussion, enhancing these skills.

Collaboration and Social Skills

  • Art projects teach learners to work effectively in teams, sharing ideas and resources.
  • They develop strong communication, negotiation, and compromise skills.
  • Collaborative projects strengthen social bonds and contribute to a positive school culture.

Art weeks and enrichment days are particularly effective in fostering teamwork and collaboration.

Through KAPOW schemes, enrichment days, and art weeks, we foster creativity, critical thinking, and cultural appreciation. Our dynamic art curriculum ensures our students leave with a deep appreciation for the arts and the skills to express themselves confidently and creatively, contributing to a vibrant and inclusive school culture.


Click on the National Curriculum image for the National Curriculum programme of study for Art and Design.

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Art and Design Curriculum Documents

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