English Intent, Implementation and Impact
At Park Road, we believe that literacy and communication is at the heart of lifelong learning. Because literacy is the basis for social, intellectual and emotional development we provide a varied and progressive curriculum as the children pass through the year groups. Through our curriculum, we allow for progression in reading and writing which will give the children the knowledge and understanding for good communication, both written and verbally, with their peers and the wider community. To this end, we aim to deliver an integrated scheme of reading, writing and speaking & listening across all years.
Literacy is the foundation for all children's learning and at Park Road we aspire to encourage the children to become independent learners who take pride and ownership in everything they do. We want to inspire children to become imaginative, consistent and ambitious when writing and to provide them with the tools to become authors. Through our English curriculum, we provide the children with purposeful and varied outcomes which are shared with our school and the wider community.
At our school, we teach children to become independent writers who take pride and ownership in all that they do. We want to inspire children to become imaginative, consistent and ambitious when writing and arm them with the tools to become authors. Through our ambitious curriculum, we provide children with purposeful outcomes which are shared with the school and local community.
Reading underpins everything that we do at Park Road and exposure to high quality texts and genres allows children to add to their ever-growing knowledge of the World. We want our children to have a love of reading, be able to access a variety of genres with fluency and be able to discuss and explain particular favourites.
Regular reading sessions to support a love of reading. This includes guided sessions, whole class sessions, reading for pleasure daily and 1:1 reads where appropriate.
Immersion with a wide variety of texts – hand selected and chosen to enhance and connect the curriculum.
Inviting and engaging reading corners where texts are refreshed half termly to suit the children’s interests and further learning in the wider curriculum.
Daily 1:1 reads for children who are currently reading below year group expectations.
Phonics delivered across all year groups where appropriate/needed and embedded through Rocket Phonics Next Steps and Literacy Company Pathways to Spell.
Use of SMART target setting to show progression in reading for lowest 20%.
High expectations for all learners.
Agreed home-school teamwork where children are encouraged to share their reading development at home, with parents supporting their child’s development by reading their child’s book banded book and supporting them with flashcards and focus comprehension skills.
Delivery of Literacy Company Pathways to Write across Year 1 – Year 6, and EY2P Literacy planning in Early Years.
A carefully planned Handwriting Progression sequence where children are encouraged to develop their fine and gros motor skills, which will allow them to become successful writers with excellent letter formation and transcription.
Teachers tailor the Feature Keys and Mastery Keys to meet the stages of all learners in their class, with high expectations for all children and supportive scaffolds provided to promote independent success.
Delivery of Pathways to Spell sessions, followed up with regular common exception word sessions.
Working walls used to enhance and show progressive learning sequence/journey.
Focussed catch up sessions to support and help close gaps as a direct result of COVID-19.
Daily 1:1 reads for children who are currently reading below year group expectations.
Phonics delivered across all year groups where appropriate/needed and embedded through Literacy Company Pathways to Spell.
Use of SMART target setting to show progression in reading for lowest 20%.
High expectations for all learners.
Regular moderation sessions both in school and externally to work with colleagues and discuss and standardise assessment.
A Park Road reader will:
- have a love of reading, showing curiosity to explore both fiction and non-fiction texts
- understand the methodology of reading, applying their phonetic knowledge to segment and blend new words, as well as their etymological and morphological knowledge to deduce meanings of new words with known elements
- have a curiosity and desire to learn and use new vocabulary
- become lifelong readers, understanding how reading opens them up to the wider world and can be applied in a range of contexts
A Park Road writer will:
- understand the purpose of a range of genres and be able to tailor their writing to suit different audiences and purposes.
- have a love of writing and passion for experimenting with words and new vocabulary
- take pride and care in the presentation of their final pieces, while understanding that the writing journey can be full of additions and revisions as we perfect our craft
- have the tools to be an independent author, knowing what is available to support them and applying their phonetic and linguistic knowledge to spell with accuracy
- take risks and develop their own unique voice in their written work with the nurture and encouragement of the Park Road team
Click on the National Curriculum image for the National Curriculum programme of study for English