Geography Intent, Implementation and Impact 


Children will deepen their locational and place knowledge to empower their geographical experience, which will develop their wider knowledge of key skills. This will allow them to unconsciously apply their knowledge and skills through different subjects within the broader curriculum to enable them to become global citizens of the future.


Geography will be implemented through:

  • Beginning their Geographical journey in Reception, where they will access Geography through Understanding of the World. Clear links with Year 1 are made, to ensure children are beginning to develop their foundational knowledge at the very beginning of their school journey.
  • The Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum from Key Stage 1 -2.
  • Skills, knowledge and understanding are planned sequentially on the Medium-Term Plan, incorporating key vocabulary, skills and end points.
  • Retrieval is integral to our lessons, and this is to enable the children to have the opportunity to recap over previous learning or to consolidate new learning. Staff plan a range of retrieval activities to start each lesson. It also forms part of our assessment and allows for gaps in learning or misconceptions to be addressed quickly and effectively.
  • Cross- Curricular links are planned carefully and intrinsically with other subjects. Geography is interspersed with the curriculum to give children the ability to see the wider picture and make key links across the whole curriculum.
  • SMSC is carefully threaded through the Geography Curriculum.
  • The Learning Environment/ working walls reflect the learning that is happening each term, as well as the sequence of learning, and demonstrates the scaffolding of each lesson to enable them to answer the main question presented to them at the beginning of their enquiry.


  • Children will learn about different cultures, societies, and environments. They are better equipped to understand and tackle global issues, such as climate change, poverty, and inequality. It also helps to develop skills such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, which are essential for effective citizenship.
  • Children are required to engage mentally with questions about people, society, environment, and the planet.
  • Children will recall and retrieve key geographical skills and knowledge throughout each year, allowing them to build upon previous knowledge taught.
  • By the end of year 6, children will have a good foundation of Geographical concepts, which are- Map skills, locational skills, place knowledge, directional language, Human/Physical Features, Fieldwork and Grid References.

Geography Curriculum Documents

Updated: 10/06/2024 376 KB
Updated: 10/06/2024 50 KB

Geography and History

Updated: 15/05/2024 181 KB
Updated: 15/05/2024 93 KB


Click on the National Curriculum image for the National Curriculum programme of study for Geography

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