Our Award Winning Provision for Science


Since 2020

Primary Science Quality Mark (PQSM) is a year long CPD programme that helps schools to achieve a quality mark. It focuses on developing effective, confident science leadership for whole school impact on science teaching and learning. The Primary Science Quality Mark enables science subject leaders to develop and articulate a clear intent and aspirational vision for science.


The process of achieving a PSQM raises the profile and quality of science across the whole school. It supports subject leaders to effectively implement a curriculum for science that is informed by research evidence and best practice data. PQSM also ensures strong and positive impact; children make good progress, building and consolidating their knowledge and skills, developing positive attitudes about science and its value to their lives and globally.

Achieved September 2020

At Park Road Community Primary School, we have created a Science curriculum intent which reflects the core principles the children created as Scientists in our school.

Firstly, a Park Road scientist is inquisitive, both in the classroom and beyond. When you enter our classrooms, you will find curious scientists, eager to ask questions to further their understanding about our universe.

Secondly, a Park Road scientist is engaged. Step into a range of sessions and observe a practical, enquiry led curriculum that does not centre on a child’s Science book and the confines of their classroom.  Instead, a Park Road scientist will play, explore, investigate and discuss scientific concepts using equipment and the world around them, as we believe this creates passionate scientists.

Through their inquisitive nature and engagement in real life Science, a Park Road scientist is challenged, and in turn challenges scientific concepts and ideas through their own questions and investigations. As a result of our carefully designed curriculum, a Park Road scientist will become knowledgeable, able to make meaningful connections within and across scientific disciplines as they progress through our school.  Each year children will be building on secure foundations, developing their science knowledge, concepts, skills and positive attitudes, as well as gaining a secure Science capital through the enriching experiences they will encounter in each year group.

Finally, through passionate teaching, challenge and opportunities to explore Science in a real life context, Park Road scientists are inspired Scientists.  Inspired to set up their own enquiries;  inspired to further research concepts at home; inspired to observe scientific concepts in the world around them and inspired to take their Science learning further. We intend for all children to leave our school with the confidence that they can pursue any career within the STEM industries, driven by the passion and curiosity that our curriculum provided at the start of their learning journey. 


With the support of the Rising Stars ‘Switched on Science’ scheme, our teachers have created excellent medium term plans which ensure the five enquiry types are embedded throughout all units with carefully planned opportunities for children to:  seek out patterns within results; research phenomena which they cannot experience first-hand; engage in fair and comparative testing; make close observations including those over time and classify and group objects based on scientific criteria.

Dig deeper into our science provision and you will find a variety of WOW learning opportunities, aimed at increasing children’s science capital. Opportunities which include: visitors in STEM careers leading sessions with the children such as a CrossFit coach leading a group of Year 3 Nutritionists in planning an exercise and meal plan for his elite athletes; raising our own chickens once they hatch in Reception and watching them grow over the years; growing plants in our own grounds to turn into an artistic display to enter (and win!) in local competitions; journeying on a residential in Year 2 to explore the habitats and food chains of creatures in a woodland environment, and visiting a planetarium to explore beyond our world! 


You will also find scientific vocabulary being taught and revisited in a variety of creative ways. Explore our Science working walls to see how vocabulary is reinforced in the classroom, and listen to children use this vocabulary confidently in their discussions. Delve into our books and onto our Seesaw learning platform and notice how our written recording of science is purposeful and of a high quality, in a range of ways which suit all learning styles, with teachers and children taking pride in how work is presented.


Written and verbal feedback from teaching staff to children builds confidence, addresses misconceptions and identifies next steps within and between lessons. Teachers assess children’s understanding in lessons through discussion and exploration, as well as through end of unit assessments provided by Switched On Science. Teaching staff communicate confidently and clearly between year groups to ensure gaps in learning are addressed across Key Stages, enabling our Park Road scientists to flourish and become engineers of the future!

Science Curriculum Documents

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Click on the National Curriculum image for the National Curriculum programme of study for Science

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