Welcome Speedy our new class snail

A brand new class member was given a very warm welcome as he joined the children in Year 2 this half term.
Speedy the Snail is the latest albino African Land Snail to join Park Road Community Primary School and is now living happily with his new friends and fellow classmates Patsy and Paul in their special tank.
Since his arrival, Speedy has been looked after by the children who feed the snails daily and make sure they have water. The class pupils also get to hold the snails and learn more about them.
As well as being great pets, the snails are used to teach the children more about the Rainforest and also minibeasts as part of the Year 2 curriculum.
Teacher Kathryn Quigley said: “The children love watching them especially our new one - Speedy! He really is a Speedy mover!!!!”
We hope that speedy will be very happy in his new home!