Year 4 update

Year 4 children at Park Road Community Primary School have been busy working on a number of projects focused on making the world and their community a better place.
In English, Year 4 have been looking at Plastic Pollution and the impact this was having on our oceans. They created information boards exploring this and even wrote letters to send to some larger companies who this topic related to such as IKEA and United Utilities. They have had a response back from the CEO of United Utilities which the children were very excited to receive.
During enrichment, the children have been growing their very own space themed flower bed which has really come along and we are seeing some lovely colours coming through.
In Science, the children have been looking at ways they can strengthen bridges for their Big Build topic. They have been investigating this with paper and cubes and predicted how many cubes the bridge would hold before it toppled.
Year 4 have also been practicing their obstacle course skills in PE ready for sports day.
Great work Year 4!